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If asked what the acronym EMS symbolizes, I believe the average person would respond, “Emergency Medical Service(s)” or “Ambulance.” While the former is correct, the latter is a more restrictive, limiting definition.

What is EMS to McGregor Memorial EMS? Clearly, our mission statement of “Committed to Compassionate Excellence” is lived out on a daily basis by a cadre of members from all walks of life. Yet I believe it EMS stands for considerably more – especially at McGregor. EMS is ncourage, entor, upport.

Encourage. Step outside your comfort zone. Undertake tasks you have never performed. Deliver a skill or treatment in the field that you have never administered. Do not fear failure – be confident of your skills! More senior staff must “have the backs” of lesser experienced members and have trust in them to render excellent care and treatment.

Mentor. A member who has just completed EMT training and has had little field experience undoubtedly possesses some trepidation over their abilities and skills. Having a person or persons in the organization in whom they can confide and consult without judgment and repercussion leads to overall organizational excellence. A mentor’s responsibilities include benefitting the individual, enhancing the organization and “grooming someone to replace you.” Each of us can recall a teacher, coach, neighbor or friend who influenced us. The probability is great that this person was a mentor, a confidant who encouraged you to succeed and to learn from your failures. Be a mentor in all aspects of your life – personal and professional.

Support. With Encouragement and Mentorship comes Support. A well-designed system minimizes poor decisions through training and education of its members. There are often various ways to address a situation and the decision maker must receive the support of his/her peers, managers and administration. Unsupported decisions lead to an unwillingness to excel and to be complacent. Stagnation sets in and affects the entire organization.

From the excellent book, “Leadership and the One Minute Manager comes this quote, “Everyone Has Peak Performance Potential – You Just Need to Know Where They are Coming From And Meet Them There”. By leveraging peoples’ strengths for organizational benefit, by working to improve deficiencies and by always acting in the best interests of the organization leads from “Good to Great!”

Copyright 2020  •  McGregor Memorial EMS  •  47 College Road  •  Durham, NH 03824
Phone: 603-862-3674  •  Fax: 603-862-4415  •  E-mail:

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